Generation-Skipping Trusts: Preserving Wealth for Future Generations
Careful planning can make all the difference in protecting your legacy and your family’s financial future. A generation-skipping trust (GST) is a powerful tool for transferring wealth to grandchildren or later generations while minimizing taxes and protecting assets. A GST can offer significant benefits if you want to provide for your descendants...
Preserving Your Legacy When You Have No Heirs
Individuals who have no heirs may be tempted to forgo creating an estate plan, thinking that it doesn’t matter who takes their property after death. However, failing to dictate who inherits from you merely allows the state to decide on your behalf. Individuals who you had never intended to acquire your assets...
Year-End Estate Plan Review Checklist
As 2024 winds down, it’s important to review and consider making revisions to your estate plan. Most people believe that once estate plans are created, they never have to look at them again. But a great deal of life can happen in a year, and you are probably in a different place...
When to Consider a Revocable vs. Irrevocable Trust
Trusts are key components of a comprehensive estate plan that offer a number of potential benefits. Two of the most common types of trusts used in estate planning are revocable and irrevocable trusts. There are advantages and disadvantages to both, and deciding which one is right for your unique plan will require...
Securing A Special Needs Trust Before A Child Reaches 18
Special needs trusts (SNTs) are crucial tools for families in Florida with children who have disabilities. These trusts allow parents or guardians to set aside funds for the child's future care without jeopardizing their eligibility for government benefits.
In Florida, it is not a requirement that an SNT be...
Can A Handwritten Will Hold Up In A Florida Court?
It is important to think about putting a will in place, especially when you get married or have children, or some other significant event takes place in your life that would make designations and protection of your assets necessary. Sometimes you might not want to go through the process and expense of...