Protecting Your Aging Parents From Financial Exploitation
As our parents age, their vulnerability to exploitation can unfortunately increase, particularly in states like Florida, where there is a notably large senior population. Protecting aging parents from exploitation requires a proactive and informed approach. It involves understanding the common types of exploitation they may face, such as financial scams, property theft,...

How To Properly Plan for Your Parents’ Long-Term Care Needs
It is inevitable that the time might come when, if your parents are still alive, you will need to start planning for their long-term care needs. If you are in Florida or elsewhere as well, it is helpful to be aware of certain steps you might want to take to ensure...

Be on the Lookout for these Elder Scams
Elder scams continue to be on the rise. Con artists and scammers target the elderly for a number of reasons. First, they design scams crafted to prey on the vulnerabilities and insecurities of this vulnerable population. Second, they tend to believe that elder individuals are likely to have savings and other...

What to Know About Medicaid Planning
Medicaid is a complicated program to understand, but also one that is important to understand as it provides critical benefits to many across the U.S. It is a state and federal program that assists people with low income and limited financial resources with covering the costs of healthcare. While often confused...
What Should You Do With Your House If Moving to a Nursing Home?
The Importance of a Durable Power of Attorney
The difficult truth that all of us could really benefit from confronting is the fact that all of us are subject to unpredictable twists and turns in life. We don’t really like to think about this as it means there is only a certain level of control we have over our own lives and...
What Is an ABLE Account?
How to Support Your Elderly Loved One During the COVID-19 Pandemic
It is no secret that times have been tough this year. The public health crisis that is the Covid-19 pandemic persists and, some days, it can feel like there is no end in sight. Older Americans have been one of the toughest groups hit not only be the virus but on collateral impacts of...