What Is Trust Administration?
If you have established an estate plan, been involved in the probate process, or started researching either of these things, you have probably heard of estate administration. Fewer people, however, have heard of trust administration. It is, however, an important thing to be aware of. This is especially true considering there is a common...
Why Would You Want to Estate Plan to Avoid Probate?
Common Causes of Probate Delays
Contesting a Will
Funding Your Trust
Who Should I Name As Trustee?
Selecting a trustee for your trust is one of the most important decisions you will make when you embark on your estate planning journey. Your named trustee will be responsible for transferring assets within the trust to the beneficiaries...
The Costs of Probate in Florida
If you pass away in the state of Florida, your assets will likely need to go through probate. Probate is the court-administered process through which the validity of a will is established, assets are located, expenses settled, and the remaining proceeds...
The Advantages of a Trust vs. a Will
Advanced Class: Navigating Florida’s Intestacy Laws
Intestate means having died without a will. If there is no will, each state has laws that specify who will inherit the property of the deceased (referred to as the "decedent" in probate proceedings), which are usually based on the closeness of familial relationships. In complex situations, intestacy can lead to unwieldy results, and...
Simple Tips for Personal Representatives
While being named as the personal representative (another way of saying executor or administrator) of a friend or loved one's estate may be an honor, it is also a serious responsibility. In fact, managing deceased person's assets can be complicated...